Oral presentations instructions

Num ponto, o encontro da economia com a saúde








Standard Oral Communications

- 15-minute presentation with 5 minutes of discussion;
- Do not exceed the scheduled 20 minutes.

Flash Oral Communications

- 6-minute communication;
- Do not exceed the scheduled 6 minutes;
- The discussion is held together at the end of the session.

Innovation & Research Sessions

- 15-minute communication according to the structure described here;
- Do not exceed the scheduled 30 minutes.

Podium presentation general instructions:

- There is no slide template;
- Slides in 16:9 widescreen format in pdf, ppt or pptx;
- Prepare slides with clear text that is visible even in the back of the room. Avoid graphs or charts that may be difficult to read from a distance;
- First slide should give the title of your presentation and list all speakers with affiliations;
- Keep text to a minimum, 6-8 lines per slide, no more than 40 words per slide, and keep your font size 24 or bigger.


- Arrive at the allocated session 10 minutes before it starts to prepare, upload and check that all is fine with your presentation. A moderator who will facilitate the session will be present to help. Speakers of allocated sessions which do not have a break before the session please upload your slides early in the morning/afternoon.

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