A Conferência




Innovation & Research SESSIONS

A larger number of innovative interventions, projects and programs is currently being implemented in the Portuguese health system. These include new models of care, changes in governance and financing of services, programs aiming at health promotion and prevention of disease, among others.

These projects often have a component of data collection, monitoring and evaluation, which could benefit considerable from health economics insight and methods to produce relevant and robust evidence to the system.

Having this in mind, we have created the sessions Innovation & Research, in a partnership with the Central Administration of the Health System (Administração Central do Sistema de Saúde, I.P.; ACSS). These sessions have the objective of promoting health economics research about the innovation happening in the Portuguese health system. By fostering the interaction between health professionals running these projects and health economists they aim at incentivizing collaboration and creating opportunities for co-creation.

We encourage all those who are part of such innovative projects to submit them to 18th CNES. Projects may be in several stages of their life course such as planning, implementation or evaluation. They should, however, include some data collection that would make monitoring or evaluation efforts feasible.

Presentation format

The presentation will have around 15 minutes should follow a structure that covers the following points:

- Presentation of the intervention/project: detailed description of the intervention/project, including objectives, setting, period of implementation and target population.

- Data: description of the type of data collected/available (e.g. demographics of the participants, process and outcome indicators, costs, etc). and the approach/methods used to obtain it.

- Evaluation (if applicable): description of the systems/process in place to monitor and/or evaluate the intervention/project.

- Results and discussion: description of findings obtained so far, including implementation challenges and potential implications of the intervention/project for the health system.

- Insight from health economics: sharing the perspective on potential contributions of health economics to the generation of evidence generation about the intervention/project. This might be done discussing a specific study design (e.g. economic evaluation, costing study, etc) or which questions related to health economics would the authors like to have answered.

- Following each presentation there will be a designated time for discussion, facilitated by a moderator.

Deadline for submission: August 11, 2023
Notification of acceptance: August 21, 2023


Registration and payment of the conference are mandatory for all the participants.


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